HOW TO USE THE WILL OF GOD TO KEEP SATAN OUT OF YOUR HOME For the peace and progress of mankind, the WILL OF GOD is the most important thing on earth. The WILL OF GOD is actually the WAY OF GOD – that is, the way in which God both WALKS and WORKS! Thus, when the WILL OF GOD is honoured and followed by man, a way is ‘created’ for God to move in that environment to express Himself. And to impart His blessings – for the good of mankind. This is probably why Jesus taught His disciples to pray, “… YOUR WILL BE DONE ON EARTH – as it is done in heaven”. (Matt 6:10) Do you know why heaven is a place of unending peace and bliss? It is because the WILL OF GOD is firmly established in that sphere. And, on earth, the GREATEST DESIRE of God is that HIS WILL BE DONE – not for His own good, but for the good of mankind. The mankind that He created in His image. This is why the GREATEST REWARD that God grants to man belongs to those that do His will on earth. This is how the Bible puts it, “… he that d...
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