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IN THIS END-TIME, GOD WANTS TO DELIVER YOU FROM THESE THREE ISSUES. God wants us to be intimate with Jesus Christ, as we prepare for His imminent return. As we pursue this intimacy as a priority, please be sensitive as God works in your life in these three key areas: (1) He will deliver you from the INFLUENCE OF THE WORLD (2) He will deliver you from the POWER OF MAMMON (3) He will deliver you from the CONTROL OF SELF. These three issues – the world, mammon, and SELF - are closely related, working together to build a stronghold for Satan in a man’s heart. This is why Jesus spoke specifically about these three areas in His teaching. As a personal assignment, please try and identify the Bible passages where Jesus addressed the three areas. The Apostles of Christ also taught about these three subjects. How many of such passages can you recall in the writings of the Apostles? So, three clear problems. But have you noticed this? As we follow Christ daily, God has only ONE PRACTICAL SOLUTION...


HOW TO USE THE WILL OF GOD TO KEEP SATAN OUT OF YOUR HOME For the peace and progress of mankind, the WILL OF GOD is the most important thing on earth. The WILL OF GOD is actually the WAY OF GOD – that is, the way in which God both WALKS and WORKS! Thus, when the WILL OF GOD is honoured and followed by man, a way is ‘created’ for God to move in that environment to express Himself. And to impart His blessings – for the good of mankind. This is probably why Jesus taught His disciples to pray, “… YOUR WILL BE DONE ON EARTH – as it is done in heaven”. (Matt 6:10) Do you know why heaven is a place of unending peace and bliss? It is because the WILL OF GOD is firmly established in that sphere. And, on earth, the GREATEST DESIRE of God is that HIS WILL BE DONE – not for His own good, but for the good of mankind. The mankind that He created in His image. This is why the GREATEST REWARD that God grants to man belongs to those that do His will on earth. This is how the Bible puts it, “… he that d...


God has created everything we all need to prosper with, but with only true wisdom & knowledge u can attain such natural gifts.  A hand/palm full of rice. I always tell people the only difference from a successful person and an ordinary man is KNOWLEDGE, what u don't know will always be a misery to you unless u try & experience it then u can also speak about it, Give this direction a try, no matter the type of business or job u do, God's favor shall locate you just as the testimony u can see here. DIRECTION : Get an handful of rice, in the morning of Monday or better still on ur soul day, Come out and speak into the rice of ur wants for that week or day, and spray it on the ground for birds and hens to eat from it.  That's all, As the birds merry in the sky happily cos of ur food, so shall every words u spoke be manifested by the power of God through nature, This is hidden secret and some of us know about it, but those who don't, pls take advantage of it.  May Go...

New week Prophetic Word By Vessel of God

In the name of Jesus, anyone who is a victim of curses and any curse sitting down on your life and destiny, curses that bring delay and failure; as you shout Jesus, let the fire of the Holy Spirit consume it now! Every curse standing to destroy you, I curse you by the God of heaven. Every evil altar in your life powering negative patterns, may that fire engulf that altar now! Everyone's destiny here that has been exchanged in the realm of the spirit; by the power that raised Christ from the dead, be delivered now Every spirit of poverty, lack and hardship, Father let fire from heaven fall on every altar powering poverty and lack, be destroyed now in the name of Jesus! Anyone who has been appointed unto death receive life in Jesus Mighty name Any altar stopping every first-born from moving forward in life, may fire come upon that altar now! Everything that has been tied in the realm of the spirit, whether it’s your favour, your job, your lifting, your children or your relationships,...


TEXT:LUKE 14:25-33 MEMORY VERSE:``` For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it?" (LUKE 14:28). Christian discipleship is the process by which a disciple - a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ - grows in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and is equipped by the Holy Spirit, who resides in his or her heart, to overcome the pressures and trials of this present life and become more and more Christ-like. This process involves putting Jesus first in all things, following Christ's teachings, fruitfulness in life and ministry, love for other disciples, commitment to evangelism, and readiness to lay down one's life for the cause of Christ. Churches today house hundreds of people, but few disciples. Following Jesus is not a walk in the park. It is an all-out commitment to abide by all the teachings and demands of Christ. It is also a voluntary decision. Every convert or believer in Christ mu...


TEXT: EXODUS 14:1-31; 15:3-10; 1 CHRONICLES 14:8-17. MEMORY VERSE: "The Lord is a man of war: The Lord is His name." EXODUS 15:3 - New International Version. MESSAGE: No one on earth, in the world below and above can stand to challenge God Almighty. It is a terrible thing to fall into the anger of God. God said, "I will make your oppressors eat their own flesh; they will be drunk on their own blood, as with wine." (Isaiah 49:26a, NIV). When Pharoah and the people of Egypt tried to fight against the children of Israel, who were God's own people, they faced the great punishment. At the end, Pharaoh and his soldiers died in the red sea.  In the book of Exodus 14:14, God said, "I will fight for you." When you are standing with God, He will fight for you. In whatever situation you find yourself, call on the God of battle and He will rise to fight that battle for you. There was a crusade I held long ago in a certain town, where some gunmen came and shot at m...

Do Not Because Of Money Destroy Your Marriage.

TEXT: 1 TIMOTHY 6:8-10; EPHESIANS 5:21-33 MEMORY VERSE "So be careful how you live. Don't live like ignorant people,  but like wise people." EPHESIANS 5:15. MESSAGE: It is a foolish thing for one to open the door of his/her life for enemies to come in and destroy it. When you expose the weakness of your partner in public, you are exposing your marriage to the enemies to destroy.  If you are a woman who is financially buoyant than the man, do not brag about it in the public that you are the one taking care of the house. When you do this, you are destroying your marriage. If God blesses you and you bring the money home to share with your husband and children, is it a crime? Of course not! Both of you are one. (See Genesis 2:24). If you go out and tell people that you are the one feeding yourself, is there any wisdom in it? Your husband or wife is yourself. Taking good care of him/her is never a big deal. If your husband is not financially buoyant to take care of the family,...