IN THIS END-TIME, GOD WANTS TO DELIVER YOU FROM THESE THREE ISSUES. God wants us to be intimate with Jesus Christ, as we prepare for His imminent return. As we pursue this intimacy as a priority, please be sensitive as God works in your life in these three key areas: (1) He will deliver you from the INFLUENCE OF THE WORLD (2) He will deliver you from the POWER OF MAMMON (3) He will deliver you from the CONTROL OF SELF. These three issues – the world, mammon, and SELF - are closely related, working together to build a stronghold for Satan in a man’s heart. This is why Jesus spoke specifically about these three areas in His teaching. As a personal assignment, please try and identify the Bible passages where Jesus addressed the three areas. The Apostles of Christ also taught about these three subjects. How many of such passages can you recall in the writings of the Apostles? So, three clear problems. But have you noticed this? As we follow Christ daily, God has only ONE PRACTICAL SOLUTION...
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