Instead of chasing women everyday for them to notice you, you can make them to be drawn to you that you will be selecting them as you desired. Is not a difficult thing to achieve, it's all about you putting some certain things in place. Don't expect a woman to like you simply because you are handsome, or because you are tall and you also have 6 packs, she is looking for the best person that will come inside her life and give her the joy she want.
Here are some emotional tricks and secrets that will make you irresistible to any woman.
1) Have your own lifestyle: Most men feel the way to get a woman to like them is by chasing them not knowing that you can focus on your life why you have them coming after you everyday. No woman will want to be part of your life when nothing interesting is happening around you. You need a life outside women if you want to attract them to the extent of approaching you for a relationship or Marriage.
2) Always Keep Good Hygiene: Ladies respect guys that know how to take care of themselves, and this includes their skin color, appearance, dressing, etc, because it's a sign that such men are good husband material. Make sure you take good care of yourself every day to enable you smell nice anytime you walk pass where a spinster is sitting. Wear perfume that smells good.
3) Try Ask Her To Do Something For You: This is a great trick to get a lady to like you. If a woman does something for you and you appreciate her very well, either verbally or by gifting her, she will begin to like you. This could be anything, just get her to do it, provided is not for you to take advantage of her. Understand that you don't have to overdo this so that she will not feel you are taking her closeness to you for granted.
4) Make Her Laugh Anytime You Are With Her: Humour is powerful than you could believe. If you can make her laugh with you, she will like you because she is seeing you as someone that she can easily be associated with. If she ask you question, give her a funny answer before giving her a sincerely answer to the question.
5) Tell Her To Be Your Friend For Whatever Reason She May Take It For: How do you feel when a woman says she just wants to be friends? You don't usually like it right? So, be the first to tell her to be your friend then. When you take this step, she begins to think to herself "am I attractive to him?" This will make her want to do things to make you like her and then open up to her for relationship.
6) Break the touching barrier: Just find a way to break that touching barrier. You can hold her hand and then accuse her of holding your hand without your permission. She will hit you back by saying you are the first to hold her hands without her permission. Make it fun and playful too. Also, to break the touching barrier, hug her and then appreciate her beautiful appearance of that moment.
7) Give Her Undivided Attention: Whenever you are with her, don't be distracted by calls or messages from your phone unless a very important call from a business partner, or from a family member. If possible you can put it on silent mood. Your mind should completely be with her, don't be absent minded.
8) Boost Your Self-confidence And Self-esteem: Women are mostly attracted to confident men. Do workouts, silent meditation, and gratitude. Look into the mirror and say positive things to yourself and claim them. When you are confident, it will show in everything you do even when you are with a woman.
Get a woman to beg you to love her with these tricks, it has worked for so many people, and still counting.
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