God wants us to be intimate with Jesus Christ, as we prepare for His imminent return.
As we pursue this intimacy as a priority, please be sensitive as God works in your life in these three key areas:
(1) He will deliver you from the INFLUENCE OF THE WORLD
(2) He will deliver you from the POWER OF MAMMON
These three issues – the world, mammon, and SELF - are closely related, working together to build a stronghold for Satan in a man’s heart.
This is why Jesus spoke specifically about these three areas in His teaching. As a personal assignment, please try and identify the Bible passages where Jesus addressed the three areas.
The Apostles of Christ also taught about these three subjects. How many of such passages can you recall in the writings of the Apostles?
So, three clear problems. But have you noticed this? As we follow Christ daily, God has only ONE PRACTICAL SOLUTION to these three problems. A simple, but effective solution – THE CROSS!
It is through THE CROSS that we are crucified to the world (Gal 6:14). It is through THE CROSS that we are delivered from the massive grip of mammon on our hearts (Matt 6:24-34). It is through THE CROSS that God works to bring us to the end of our SELF-life (for example, 2 Cor 12:7).
All these are PRACTICAL ASPECTS of our daily walk with Christ – as God Himself works in us to manifest the life of His Son, Jesus Christ (2 Cor 4:10-11).
Brethren, we must be sensitive to this work of God, as He uses THE CROSS to accomplish His purpose in our lives:
(a) We must learn to RECOGNISE that work of THE CROSS.
(b) We must learn to EMBRACE that work of THE CROSS.
(c) We must learn to REJOICE at that work of THE CROSS, and finally,
(d) We must learn to be GRATEFUL to God for that work of THE CROSS.
This is the path to maturity in Christ Jesus - as His life blossoms more and more DAILY in our mortal bodies.
Here is a final assignment on this subject. Please, sit back and examine your life closely. In which area(s) of your life do you see God using THE CROSS to prune you, to train you, to groom you?
Now, think further. Are you allowing THE CROSS to accomplish its purpose? Or, are you struggling against the nails that pin you to THE CROSS?
Please, always remember this: until God brings us to the end of our SELF, we cannot walk in the FULLNESS of His Spirit. For the ‘LIFE OF GOD’ and the ‘LIFE OF SELF’ can never, ever dwell harmoniously in the same vessel!
As the world stumbles towards the impending judgment of God, please keep your eyes focussed on the Lord. He will deliver you from the INFLUENCE OF THE WORLD, from the POWER OF MAMMON, and from the CONTROL OF YOUR SELF-LIFE.
This is how you will be able to walk in His will. This is how you will be fruitful. And this is how your life will bring glory to His holy name.
My friend, this is why you were born for a time like this! In surrender to God, please, pursue that life in Christ to its fullest potential! For, sadly, some will receive the grace of God in vain (2 Cor 6:1).
But you were born to be different! You were born to live for God in Christ Jesus. Please take that mandate seriously! His grace is sufficient for you. Amen.
“… I have suffered the LOSS OF ALL THINGS … that I may win Christ….” (Phil 3:8)
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