Wednesday, October 6, 2021

The 16 Biggest Fear Of Women About Men Before Accepting Marriage Proposal.

1) Before she accepts to be your girlfriend or wife, she has asked herself several times, "Is he only after me just for my body and once he gets it he will use me and break up for someone he loves?" This is simply because she is not yet convinced that truly you love her as you have confessed several times to her.

2) Before accepting to date you or get married to you, she has asked herself this question; does this man really mean the sweet and special things he tells me about myself?

Other questions she could have asked herself before accepting your dating proposal are;

3) Does he tell other women the same sweet and romantic words and special things he tells me? I hope he's not just interested in my endowment?

4) What if we are married and he then negatively changes overnight from who he is now to the opposite? God, please help me, I don't want to have broken marriage.

5) What if I wasn't able to give birth to children in the early years of our marriage, will he still love me or will he switch to another woman who he believes will bear children for him?

6) What if he discover all my darkest secrets in life, will he judge me and reject me because of these secrets or should I tell him now to know if he truly loves me?

7) He is struggling financially now and I am helping him to the best of my abilities. What if I help him to grow and he becomes wealthy tomorrow, is he going to abandon me for another woman? Is he going to still shower me with love when he is financially stable?

8) Does he really enjoy making love to me? Why doesn't he make sexual advances on me as much these days or is he finding me boring in bed, or is he cheating on me with another woman he cherish more than me? Is he bored and thinks am not good enough to have intimacy with him? Am I too irritating to him? Do I smell down there that he is not coming close to me anymore?

9) What if by the time I give him children and my body starts changing because of childbirth, will he start cheating on me simply because my body has changed shape and freshness?

10) When we get married, is he going to believe me if I tell him his mother has severally that am insulting his mother?

11) Can I believe he will still be faithful to me when he goes to work with other women or while in the same office with other women? Can I trust him when he is alone in the house with the housemaid that he will not cheat on me with her and break my heart? Can I still trust him with all our female friends that he will not take advantage of my calmness with him?

12) Is he doing hide and seek with other women on social media? How am I sure that he is not flirting with ladies on social media still telling me he loves me.

13) Now that am getting old with wrinkled faces, will he abandon me for younger ladies who I can't physically keep up with and become a sponsor to an opportunistic woman? Will he still find me attractive at old age while in marriage with him?

14) Is he telling me the truth that I am the only woman in his heart, then in marriage he will changes and insists and justifies polygamy saying he wants a second and third wife for reasons best known to him?

15) Are the warnings my family and friends gave me about him going to be a reality that he doesn't love me as he has always confessed love to me?

16) Does he truly love me or heartbreak is looming against me with someone I have already loved? I am fade up of having relationships that don't last and investing in false love that has many times leads to pain and regression.

Dear men, when you love a woman, prove it with your best ability. Don't allow her fear of loving to become reality.  

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