Thursday, March 17, 2022

Do Not Because Of Money Destroy Your Marriage.

TEXT: 1 TIMOTHY 6:8-10; EPHESIANS 5:21-33


"So be careful how you live. Don't live like ignorant people,  but like wise people." EPHESIANS 5:15.


It is a foolish thing for one to open the door of his/her life for enemies to come in and destroy it. When you expose the weakness of your partner in public, you are exposing your marriage to the enemies to destroy. 

If you are a woman who is financially buoyant than the man, do not brag about it in the public that you are the one taking care of the house. When you do this, you are destroying your marriage. If God blesses you and you bring the money home to share with your husband and children, is it a crime? Of course not! Both of you are one. (See Genesis 2:24). If you go out and tell people that you are the one feeding yourself, is there any wisdom in it? Your husband or wife is yourself. Taking good care of him/her is never a big deal. If your husband is not financially buoyant to take care of the family, the right thing to do is to pray to God to bless him. 

Whatever the weakness of your partner may be, never expose it in the public, rather, take it to God in prayers. Protect your partner's weakness so that enemies will not use it against you. Remember, both of you are one and God expects both of you to live together as one happy marriage partner. 


1) Thy way not mine , O Lord,

However dark it be;

Lead me by thine own hand,

Choose out the path for me.

2) Smooth let it be or rough,

It will be still best;

Winding or straight, it leads

Right onward to thy rest.

3) I dare not choose my lot;

I would not if I might:

Choose thou for me, my God,

So shall I walk aright.

4) The kingdom that I seek Is thine, so let it let the way

That leads to it be thine,

Else I must surely stray.

5) Take thou my cup, and it

With joy or sorrow fill,

As best to thee may seem;

Choose thou my good and ill.

6) Choose thou for me my friends,

My sickness or my health,

Choose thou my cares for me,

My poverty or wealth.

7) Not mine, not mine, the choice

In things or great or small;

Be thou my guide my strength, 

My wisdom, and my all.


1) Merciful Lord, forgive me my sins.

2) Lord, give me the grace to happily live together with my partner. 

3) Mighty Lord, bless my partner beyond human measure. 

4) Father, give me the strength to stand by my partner always.

5) Oh Lord, destroy every enemy fighting against the peace of my marriage. 

6) I cancel every bad dream had against my marriage and loved ones.

7) I cover my prayers with the Blood of Jesus. Thank You Lord.

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